Joyous Expansion/Church of Awesome

Joyous Expansion #91 - Shannon Kelly-Thomas - Awakening To Fully Embody Magnificence And Soul Purpose

Joyous Expansion Podcast Season 1 Episode 91

In this episode, Brett Dupree talks about how he is giving up on internet arguments unless it is about the Miami Dolphins. GO PHINS!  Then he has a wonderful interview with Shannon Kelly-Thomas who talks about how she went from a tragic childhood into helping people live their full potential as a Star Shaman.

This is Shannon, Star shaman, and an ordinary messy human being. Her story is still being written and her focus lay in soul healing, community stewardship, ascension, and integrative medicine (mind, body spirit). She is a creative activist for our collective awakening. She Facilitates sacred ceremonies and spaces to shed the illusions that we are separate. 

 She holds group and one on one healing containers for individuals to realize their deeper soul mission in this life and help them weave that into all areas of their life.

Reach out to her to schedule a session. She offers long term work with clients to facilitate lasting transformation and shift (you can schedule a consult to see if its a fit @

 You can book her to come to your town to facilitate a group ceremony for a private group or for a larger community.

Her focus is on shedding our relational wounding, and activating soul remembrance so we can create the world we know is possible together.

 For this who are seeking to overcome fear in leadership, thrive with the feminine & experience passion in your purpose. Upcoming special offering for Awakened Men. 13-week group program. 12 men. Weekly Group zoom calls. Weekly Channeled messages for the group and for individuals. One on one support. Weekly Practices to support your everyday life. Starting November 11th.

Her website:

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